Source code for visions.types.type

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union, cast

import attr
from multimethod import multimethod

from visions.relations import TypeRelation

_DEFAULT = object()

class RelationsIterManager:
    """Class to enable to treat relations as dict"""

    def __init__(self, relations: Sequence[TypeRelation]):
        self._keys: Dict["Type[VisionsBaseType]", int] = {
            item.related_type: i for i, item in enumerate(relations)
        self.values = tuple(relations)

    def __getitem__(self, index: Union["Type[VisionsBaseType]", int]) -> TypeRelation:
        idx = index if isinstance(index, int) else self._keys[index]
        return self.values[idx]

    def get(
        self, index: Union["Type[VisionsBaseType]", int], default: Any = _DEFAULT
    ) -> Union[TypeRelation, Any]:
            return self[index]
        except (IndexError, KeyError) as err:
            if default is _DEFAULT:
                raise err
                return default

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self.values

class VisionsBaseTypeMeta(ABCMeta):
    _relations: Optional[RelationsIterManager] = None

    def __contains__(cls, sequence: Sequence) -> bool:
        return cls.contains_op(sequence, dict())

    def get_relations() -> Sequence[TypeRelation]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def contains_op(item: Any, state: dict) -> bool:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def relations(cls) -> RelationsIterManager:
        from visions.relations.relations import IdentityRelation

        if cls._relations is None:
            cls._relations = RelationsIterManager(
                        if r.relationship is None
                        else r.relationship,
                    if isinstance(r, IdentityRelation)
                    else attr.evolve(
                        if r.relationship is not None
                        else None,
                    for r in cls.get_relations()
        return cls._relations

    def __add__(cls, other):
        from visions.types import Generic
        from visions.typesets import VisionsTypeset

        if not any(issubclass(x, Generic) for x in [cls, other]):
            return VisionsTypeset({Generic, cls, other})
        return VisionsTypeset({cls, other})

    def __str__(cls) -> str:
        return str(cls.__name__)

    def __repr__(cls) -> str:
        return str(cls)

[docs]class VisionsBaseType(metaclass=VisionsBaseTypeMeta): """Abstract implementation of a vision type. Provides a common API for building custom visions data types. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
@staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_relations() -> Sequence[TypeRelation]: raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def register_transformer( cls, relation: "Type[VisionsBaseType]", dispatch_type: Any ): relation_transformer = cls.relations[relation].transformer return cast(Any, relation_transformer).register(dispatch_type, dict) @classmethod def register_relationship( cls, relation: "Type[VisionsBaseType]", dispatch_type: Any ): relation_relationship = cls.relations[relation].relationship return cast(Any, relation_relationship).register(dispatch_type, dict) @staticmethod @multimethod @abstractmethod def contains_op(sequence: Any, state: Any) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError