Source code for visions.typesets.typeset

import warnings
from functools import singledispatch
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd

from visions.types.generic import Generic
from visions.types.type import VisionsBaseType

TypeOrTypeset = TypeVar("TypeOrTypeset", Type[VisionsBaseType], "VisionsTypeset")
pathTypes = TypeVar(
    "pathTypes", Type[VisionsBaseType], Dict[str, Type[VisionsBaseType]]
pdT = TypeVar("pdT", pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)
T = Type[VisionsBaseType]

def build_graph(nodes: Set[Type[VisionsBaseType]]) -> Tuple[nx.DiGraph, nx.DiGraph]:
    """Constructs a traversable relation graph between visions types

    Builds a type relation graph from a collection of :class:`visions.types.type.VisionsBaseType` where
    each node corresponds to a type and each edge is a relation defined on the type.

        nodes:  An Sequence of :class:`visions.types.type.VisionsBaseType`

        A directed graph of type relations for the provided nodes.

    style_map = {True: "dashed", False: "solid"}
    relation_graph = nx.DiGraph()

    noninferential_edges = []

    for node in nodes:
        for relation in node.relations:
            if relation.related_type not in nodes:
                    f"Provided relations included mapping from {relation.related_type} to {relation.type} "
                    f"but {relation.related_type} was not included in the provided list of nodes"

                if not relation.inferential:
                    noninferential_edges.append((relation.related_type, relation.type))


    base_graph = relation_graph.edge_subgraph(noninferential_edges)
    return relation_graph, base_graph

def check_graph_constraints(relation_graph: nx.DiGraph) -> None:
    """Validates a relation_graph is appropriately constructed

        relation_graph: A directed graph representing the set of relations between type nodes.


def check_isolates(graph: nx.DiGraph) -> None:
    """Check for orphaned nodes.

        graph: the graph to check

    nodes = set(graph.nodes)
    root_node = next(nx.topological_sort(graph))

    isolates = list(set(nx.isolates(graph)) - {root_node})  # root can be isolate
    orphaned_nodes = nodes - set(graph.nodes)
    if orphaned_nodes:
        message = f"{orphaned_nodes} were isolates in the type relation map and consequently orphaned. "
        message += "Please add some mapping to the orphaned nodes."

def check_cycles(graph: nx.DiGraph) -> None:
    """Check for cycles and warn if one is found

        graph: the graph to check

    cycles = list(nx.simple_cycles(graph))
    if len(cycles) > 0:
        warnings.warn(f"Cyclical relations between types {cycles} detected")

def traverse_graph_with_series(
    base_type: T,
    series: Sequence,
    graph: nx.DiGraph,
    path: List[T] = None,
    state: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Tuple[Sequence, List[T], dict]:
    """Depth First Search traversal. There should be at most one successor that contains the series.

        base_type: Entry-point for graph to start traversal
        series: the Series to check
        graph: the Graph to traverse
        path: the path so far
        state: traversal state

        The most uniquely specified node matching the series.
    if state is None:
        state = dict()

    if path is None:
        path = []


    for vision_type in graph.successors(base_type):
        relation = graph[base_type][vision_type]["relationship"]

        if relation.is_relation(series, state):
            series = relation.transform(series, state)
            return traverse_graph_with_series(vision_type, series, graph, path, state)

    return series, path, state

def traverse_graph_with_sampled_series(
    base_type: T,
    series: pd.Series,
    graph: nx.DiGraph,
    sample_size: int = 10,
    state: dict = dict(),
) -> Tuple[Sequence, List[T], dict]:
    """Depth First Search traversal with sampling. There should be at most one successor that contains the series.

        base_type: Entry-point for graph to start  traversal
        series: the Series to check
        graph: the Graph to traverse
        sample_size: number of items used in heuristic traversal
        state: traversal state

        The most uniquely specified node matching the series.

    if (series.shape[0] < 1000) or (sample_size > series.shape[0]):
        return traverse_graph_with_series(base_type, series, graph, state=state)

    series_sample = series.sample(sample_size)
    _, path, _ = traverse_graph_with_series(
        base_type, series_sample, graph, state=state
    if len(path) == 1:
        return series, path, state

    # Cast the full series
    from_type = path[0]
    for i, to_type in enumerate(path[1:]):
        relation = graph[from_type][to_type]["relationship"]
        if not relation.is_relation(series, state):
        series = relation.transform(series, state)
        from_type = to_type

    return series, path[0 : (i + 2)], state

def traverse_graph(
    data: Sequence, root_node: T, graph: nx.DiGraph
) -> Tuple[Sequence, Union[List[T], Dict[str, List[T]]], Dict[str, dict]]:
    return traverse_graph_with_series(root_node, data, graph)

def get_type_from_path(
    path_data: Union[Sequence[T], Dict[str, Sequence[T]]]
) -> Union[T, Dict[str, T]]:
    raise TypeError(f"Can't get types from path object of type {type(path_data)}")

def _get_type_from_path_builtin(path_list: Sequence[T]) -> T:
    return path_list[-1]

def _get_type_from_path_dict(path_dict: Dict[str, Sequence[T]]) -> Dict[str, T]:
    return {k: v[-1] for k, v in path_dict.items()}

[docs] class VisionsTypeset: """ A collection of :class:`visions.types.type.VisionsBaseType` with associated relationship map between them. Attributes: types: The collection of Visions Types derived from :class:`visions.types.type.VisionsBaseType` base_graph: The graph of relations composed exclusively of :class:`visions.relations.relations.IdentityRelation` relation_graph: The full relation graph including both :class:`visions.relations.relations.IdentityRelation` and :class:`visions.relations.relations.InferenceRelation` """
[docs] def __init__(self, types: Set[Type[VisionsBaseType]]) -> None: """ Args: types: a set of types """ self._root_node: Optional[T] = None if not isinstance(types, Iterable): raise ValueError("types should be Sequence") self.relation_graph, self.base_graph = build_graph(set(types)) if not issubclass(self.root_node, Generic): raise ValueError("`root_node` should be a subclass of Generic") self.types = set(self.relation_graph.nodes)
@property def root_node(self) -> T: """Returns a cached copy of the relation_graphs root node Args: Returns: A cached copy of the relation_graphs root node. """ if self._root_node is None: self._root_node = next(nx.topological_sort(self.relation_graph)) return self._root_node def detect(self, data: Any) -> Tuple[Sequence, Any, dict]: """The results found after only considering IdentityRelations. Notes: This is an advanced feature, consider using `detect_type` in case the type is what is needed. Args: data: a DataFrame or Series to determine types over Returns: A tuple of the coerced sequence, visited nodes and state """ return traverse_graph(data, self.root_node, self.base_graph) def detect_type(self, data: Sequence) -> Union[T, Dict[str, T]]: """The inferred type found only considering IdentityRelations. Args: data: a DataFrame or Series to determine types over Returns: A dictionary of {name: type} pairs in the case of DataFrame input or a type """ _, paths, _ = self.detect(data) return get_type_from_path(paths) def infer(self, data: Sequence) -> Tuple[Sequence, Any, dict]: """The results found after considering all relations. Notes: This is an advanced feature, consider using `infer_type` in case the type is what is needed. Args: data: a DataFrame or Series to determine types over Returns: A tuple of the coerced sequence, visited nodes and state """ return traverse_graph(data, self.root_node, self.relation_graph) def infer_type(self, data: Sequence) -> Union[T, Dict[str, T]]: """The inferred type found using all type relations. Args: data: a DataFrame or Series to determine types over Returns: A dictionary of {name: type} pairs in the case of DataFrame input or a type """ _, paths, _ = self.infer(data) return get_type_from_path(paths) def cast_to_detected(self, data: Sequence) -> Sequence: """Transforms input data into a canonical representation using only IdentityRelations Args: data: a DataFrame or Series to determine types over Returns: new_data: The transformed DataFrame or Series. """ data, _, _ = self.detect(data) return data def cast_to_inferred(self, data: Sequence) -> Sequence: """Transforms input data and returns it's corresponding new type relation using all relations. Args: data: a DataFrame or Series to determine types over Returns: new_data: The transformed DataFrame or Series. types: A dictionary of {name: type} pairs in the case of DataFrame input or a type. """ data, _, _ = self.infer(data) return data def output_graph( self, file_name: Union[str, Path], base_only: bool = False, dpi: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Write the type graph to a file. Args: file_name: the file to save the output to base_only: if True, plot the graph without relation mapping edges dpi: set the dpi of the output image """ from visions.utils.graph import output_graph if base_only: graph = self.base_graph.copy() else: graph = self.relation_graph.copy() graph.graph["node"] = {"shape": "box", "color": "red"} if dpi is not None: graph.graph["graph"] = {"dpi": dpi} output_graph(graph, file_name) def plot_graph( self, dpi: int = 800, base_only: bool = False, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ): """ Args: dpi: dpi of the matplotlib figure. figsize: figure size base_only: Only display the typesets base_graph Returns: Displays the image """ import os import tempfile from matplotlib import image as mpimg from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png", delete=False) as temp_file: self.output_graph(, dpi=dpi, base_only=base_only) img = mpimg.imread( plt.figure(dpi=dpi, figsize=figsize) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(img) os.unlink( def _get_other_type(self, other: TypeOrTypeset) -> Set[T]: """Converts input into a set of :class:`visions.types.type.VisionsBaseType` Args: other: A :class:`visions.types.type.VisionsBaseType` or :class:`visions.typesets.typeset.VisionsTypeset` Raises: NotImplementedError: Returns: Set[Type[VisionsBaseType]]: """ if isinstance(other, VisionsTypeset): other_types = set(other.types) elif issubclass(other, VisionsBaseType): other_types = {other} else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Typeset operation not implemented for type {type(other)}" ) return other_types def replace(self, old: T, new: T) -> "VisionsTypeset": """Create a new typeset having replace one type with another. Args: old: Visions type to replace. new: Replacement visions type. Returns A VisionsTypeset """ types = self.types.copy() types.add(new) types.remove(old) return VisionsTypeset(types) def __add__(self, other: TypeOrTypeset) -> "VisionsTypeset": """Adds a type or typeset into the current typeset. Args: other: Type or typeset to be added Returns A VisionsTypeset """ other_types = self._get_other_type(other) return VisionsTypeset(self.types | other_types) def __iadd__(self, other: TypeOrTypeset) -> "VisionsTypeset": """Adds a type or typeset into the current typeset. Args: other: Type or typeset to be added Returns A VisionsTypeset """ return self.__add__(other) def __sub__(self, other: TypeOrTypeset) -> "VisionsTypeset": """Subtracts a type or typeset from the current typeset. Args: other: Type or typeset to be removed Returns A VisionsTypeset """ other_types = self._get_other_type(other) return VisionsTypeset(self.types - other_types) def __isub__(self, other: TypeOrTypeset) -> "VisionsTypeset": """Subtracts a type or typeset from the current typeset. Args: other: Type or typeset to be removed Returns A VisionsTypeset """ return self.__sub__(other) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Pretty representation of the typeset. Returns A :class:`visions.typesets.typeset.VisionsTypeset` """ return self.__class__.__name__